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  • Playing with Layers

    I really enjoyed all the mixed media work I’ve been doing recently, so I decided to do some more playing with layers, both physical and digital.

    I'm Not Arguing

    This first image started out as a collage using a mixture of old papers, book pages, old paint stained tissues, and magazine clippings. This was followed by a liberal application of acrylic paint, stencilling, homemade stamps, washi tape, and more collage. The quotation made me smile, as it’s the kind of thing I say all the time!

    Finding The Monster

    This second image was inspired by some work I did at the weekend on the Person Centred Expressive Arts workshop that I attended run by Dinah Brown and Nuala Eden. It began life as a geometric abstract created using watercolour pencils. Although it was quite colourful, it looked a bit flat, so I gave it the mixed media treatment. I added acrylic paint, stencils, homemade stamps, paint markers and indian ink, then finished it off with some letter stamps and collaged letters.

    Green Swirls

    Its been a while since I played with any digital layers, so this last image is a digital blend of two journal pages – a series of swirls drawn with watercolour pencils, and a page created to use up some leftover paint.

    Only five days left before the start of 21 Secrets Fall 2015 – I’m really looking forward to working and learning with all the amazing teachers Connie has gathered together.


    By on Wednesday September 23rd, 2015 at 22:05 in 21 Secrets Fall 2015, Artistic Ramblings, CED, collage, Digital Art, Mixed Media - Comments Off on Playing with Layers

    More Layers!

    I managed a few more layers last night and was hoping to add some text today but somehow the time eluded me! So here’s the next instalment…

    Collage and Paint - Life Book 2013, Week 31

    … first I added some layers of acrylic paint and some stencilling…

    Meditation - Life Book 2013, Week 31

    … then I collaged my meditating lady after painting her using acrylic paint and a die-cut dragonfly. It’s taking awhile, but I’m pleased with how it’s looking so far. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish it tomorrow!

    Now I’m off to the shops to get some more boxes! Keep watching!

    eunice signature

    By on Monday August 5th, 2013 at 21:05 in Artistic Ramblings, Blogalong with Effy, CED, collage, Life Book 2013, Stencils - Comments Off on More Layers!

    I Begin…

    The 1st of August has arrived bringing with it the start of Effy’s challenge to blogalong with her for 30 days in August. There’s still time to join in if you haven’t already, just click on the link below.


    Being a little slow off the mark, I have just decided to join in Effy’s Inner Excavate Along where she is going through Liz Lamoreux’s book Inner Excavation. Effy has nearly finished, but I’m just starting …. O well as Effy says, I own the book so I can work through it whenever I like :).

    Anyhow… after reading all the ideas and suggestions in chapter 1, I decided to create a word poem using a few of the words on the pages of my recycled journal. Originally I thought I’d add some joining words between the words on the page, but on reflection, I decided that would be overkill and have bravely left them stark and suggestive. I hope you like them.

    I Begin... - Inner Excavation, Chapter 1

    I started out by very careful covering the words I wanted to use in masking fluid. Once that was dry, I covered the pages with a thick layer of gesso, then started adding layers of acrylic paint, stencilling and stamping. When I was happy with the result, I carefully peeled off the masking fluid to reveal the words, then added my theme ‘I Begin…’ using die cut letters.

    I’m off to see what everyone else has been up to now. See you tomorrow!

    eunice signature

    More Winter Flowers!

    It must be the effect of all the dull winter days at the moment, I just keep wanting to play with flower images, so here are some more winter flowers!

    More Winter Flowers!

    I started off by stencilling the big flowers onto the watercolour paper using acrylic paint – messy, but fun! Then I added some more flowers using clear stamps and a mixture of Staz-on ink pads and distress ink pads. Lastly I scanned the image into the computer, added some more greenery with digital brushes and some more background colour using gradients and blending.

    eunice signature

    By on Saturday November 24th, 2012 at 12:00 in AEDM, Artistic Ramblings, Digital Art, messy craft - 2 Replies - Leave a Reply