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  • Fresh Start!

    The 1st September, time to make a fresh start! As you might have noticed over the last day or so, I’ve been busy giving my site a face lift, playing around with some new colours and a different header. It feels like it’s time to do some serious creating!

    August has been a kind of limbo month for me, the time between the end of my studies, and the beginning of my new professional practice as an Art Psychotherapist, so I’ve been playing in my art journals exploring ideas and materials.

    Crossword Collage

    This journal page spread was created in my recycled Journal using torn magazine pages, fibres, gouache and homemade stamps created from repurposed rubbish.

    August has also been a time for getting out and about, visiting new places and discovering wonderful bargains to add to my creative supplies.

    Fabric from Bradford

    I got this wonderful fabric from a lovely lady on a market stall in Bradford …


    … and just look at all this amazing yarn that I found in the wool shop in Buxton!

    September is going to be a month of new beginnings, so to mark my intention to create more art, I’ve signed up to Connie Solera’s 21 Secrets course due to start on 28th September.

    I’ve got lots more artwork from August which I’m looking forward to sharing with you. But for now I think I’d better get myself to bed as it’s gone 2:00 am.


    By on Wednesday September 2nd, 2015 at 01:39 in 21 Secrets Fall 2015, altered book, Artistic Ramblings, CED - Comments Off on Fresh Start!