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  • New Notebook

    Once or twice a year I make myself a new notebook. My notebooks are a cross between a diary, an art journal, a planner, a message book and a reference book. Basically, everything I do every day is recorded in some way, shape, or form in my notebook. Because I’m a visual person, I like my pages to be different colours and unlined so that I have freedom to use the pages any way that suits what I’m doing. Today I made myself a new notebook as my old one has only 18 pages left!

    New Notebook

    It took a little longer than usual as I had trouble finding the right grade of chipboard to be thick enough for the covers but thin enough to fit into my binding machine. I made one set of covers before realising that they were just a tad too thick! Luckily I had enough material to make two sets of covers!

    What you can’t see from the photo is the diversity of the pages. I used 13 different colours of paper (including black and white) and made up 12 segments of the colours giving me a total of 156 pages!

    Now that it’s finished, I can’t wait to start using it!

    eunice signature

    By on Friday December 21st, 2012 at 09:00 in Artistic Ramblings - 2 Replies - Leave a Reply
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    December 21, 2012 at 12:59:40

    I never thought of making my own….a great idea..and although I don’t have a binding machine…office max does 😉 Thanks for the inspiration…now I can make that notebook exactly like I want it instead of searching all over creation for one and settling for less.


    December 23, 2012 at 15:50:32

    Thank you Danielle – that’s why I started making my own! I usually put a pocket on the inside of the front cover so I have somewhere to stuff all those little scraps of paper with useful information on as well 🙂