Do you remember the new stencils I got just before Christmas? I found a small tub of Light Moulding Paste and decided to see how it worked with the stencils.
I applied the moulding paste through the stencil then painted it with metallic acrylic paint when it was dry. I just love the texture that resulted! I’ll definitely be asking for a big tub of moulding paste for my birthday later in the month 🙂
After scanning the image, I thought it would make a great background for my word of the year for 2013 – Expansion. I didn’t get round to choosing a word for last year with all the upheaval of travelling, but it’s something I do like to do. Have you chosen a word for your New Year?
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January 2, 2013 at 12:03:12
I have been wanting to try this…I read somewhere that you can do this with spackling compound from the hardware section at half the price so I bought some this weekend – the kind that is pink when wet and turns white when dry 😉
January 2, 2013 at 23:17:32
Living the other side of the pond to you, I had to ask my partner what spackling compound is (he lived in America for 27 years!). I’d love to know how you get on with it. From the way he described it, you may have problems with it cracking and flaking if the paper gets bent. The gel medium is great because it bends with the paper! (I did mine on very thin paper in my notebook) Have fun!