Altered Vans and pencil shavings …..
Altered Vans and pencil shavings are two of my latest experiments ….

Altered Vans
The Vans (as in shoes) were on special offer, but I thought they were a bit boring being black and white, so I got my new Sharpies and coloured them in!! Now I can wear them with any outfit as they are all the colours of the rainbow 🙂

Glue Random Items ...
On a messier note … I have been glueing random items on these pages for a while now, but the other night when I was emptying my pencil sharpener after shapening all my water colour pencils I wondered what the shavings would look like stuck to this page. This is the result! No only does it look good but it smells good too 🙂 ( I love the smell of pencil shavings!)
By eunice on
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 at 00:30 in Artistic Ramblings, messy craft, Wreck This Journal -
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