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  • Virtual Reality!

    Me using Tilt

    I’d been reading online about Tilt Brush the new virtual reality 3D painting app by Google, thinking that it looked like a lot of fun. So I was really excited yesterday at work to be given the opportunity to try it out – absolutely awesome!! This is a picture of me creating my 3D landscape – totally oblivious to the world around me!

    Back in the real world I’ve been busy creating lots of physical artwork as well.

    Inside the O

    When I finish work late at night, I often play with paint in my everyday notebook just to let off some energy and get messy. This is the result of one of those playings.

    This next image was completed over a week – playing with the techniques taught in Effy’s Book of Days week 18 lesson.


    I really enjoyed learning these new techniques and found the whole process very therapeutic.

    Back to the notebook again…


    … I had great fun using the wrong end of the paintbrush to scratch some texture into my image.

    Staying with the same colour palette, I moved over to my small art journal…

    Brush Strokes

    …and had some more fun playing with textures.

    This next spread was inspired by Tracy Verdugo‘s lesson from the Spectrum 2016 course.

    You Have To Leave

    It was an amazing lesson and I loved the process. I really like the Alan Alda quote that I found to go with it too.

    And finally, I’ve just finished this last spread, inspired by Effy’s Book of Days week 20 lesson.

    Wild is Wonder Full

    Following the BOD prompts this month has really taken me on an amazing journey and I’ve been continually surprised by the synchronicities that have appeared in my world as a result. Thank you Effy!


    By on Wednesday June 1st, 2016 at 16:29 in Art Journal, Artistic Ramblings, BOD 2016, CED, collage, Digital Art, messy craft, Mixed Media, Quotations - Comments Off on Virtual Reality!

    My Story and Spooky Images!

    A few weeks ago I attended the last of a series of Person Centred Expressive Arts Workshops with Dinah Brown up in the Lake District. One of our tasks over the weekend was to create a loom from natural materials into which we wove words from stories we had written. This is my story loom.

    Story Telling Loom

    Going back to messy paint, I’ve managed to create a couple of rather spooky images in the last few days.

    Shadows 1

    This first one was created using collage, washi tape together with some distress ink and fluid acrylic paint. When I had finished playing I noticed this strange looking person looking out at me so I used a white posca paint marker and some light coloured very dilute acrylic paint to bring the figure out from the background. Then I noticed three more shadow people standing by.


    This second image started out as just playing with tombow brush markers distress ink spray and dripped fluid acrylic paint. I decided to make the drips look 3D by highlighting and low lighting them with posca paint pens. When I’d finished, I noticed that I’d created another spooky image. Not my usual style – will there be more?


    By on Wednesday March 30th, 2016 at 15:12 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, collage, messy craft, Weaving - Comments Off on My Story and Spooky Images!