Visible collage!
It’s been a while since I made a collage that stayed visible after I completed the piece. Normally by the time I finish the image, the collage is buried under layers of paint, stamping or stencilling or a mixture of all three. But the last two classes I’ve done as part of Radiant 2, both have visible collage in the completed pieces!
This first piece was my response to Dyan Reaveley‘s class.
Her lesson was so great, I especially enjoyed the things she shared about her process – thank you Dyan. Although I didn’t have many of the supplies Dyan used, I think my substitutions have worked well – I love the result and the quotation taken from Sandra Sturtz Hauss’s poem “These are my wishes for you”.
My second piece was made in response to Effy‘s interpretation of Felicia‘s class.
I loved the process, and learnt loads from the note writing. I found it really interesting to create a second image in a different style – thank you for a really inspiring lesson Effy. By the way – if you want to look up the quotation, it’s taken from “On Joy and Sorrow” by Kahlil Gibran.
I haven’t quite made up my mind what to do next, but I think I might start making postcards for iHannah’s postcard swap ready for the end of the month.
Loving the Effidori!
I am so loving my new Effidori! I always love learning new book making techniques and Effy’s lesson on how to make the Effidori was so easy to follow that I enjoyed every minute of it!
And I’m loving the results – both the way it looks and using it as a journal. Thank you Effy for an amazing lesson!
Having made the journal, I was ready to start the first guest teacher lesson on the Radiant 2 course.
Felicia Borges lesson was just so much fun and really messy. I love the way she works. I didn’t have all the supplies that she used, and my alternatives created a rather different look. But I’m really pleased with the result!
Which lesson shall I do next I wonder? Keep watching to find out.