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  • Painting Big!

    Up until the advent of the new easel, the biggest I had ever painted was a double page in my 12″x9″ Strathmore journal! To be honest, I had never had the courage to try anything bigger. But that’s all changed now! With all the recycled cardboard from moving, I have lots of larger canvases to play on, and because they’re made from recycled cardboard I don’t have the fear of spoiling them that I might have if I’d invested lots of money in expensive canvases! And I’m really loving the freedom of painting big! Every day so far I’ve been adding some more to my 25″x25″ recycled cardboard.

    Easel Update

    I’ve added more acrylic paint using letter stencils and home made stamps and am loving how it’s looking so far, but have a feeling it still wants some more layers!

    Meanwhile, I’ve been playing with some rather smaller pieces as well!

    Gold and Spotty

    I created this one on recycled cardboard using acrylic paint, stencils, homemade stamps and a paint covered mopping up tissue to add the highlights…

    Purple and Pink

    …and this one on salvaged plywood using acrylic paint, acrylic ink and homemade stamps. The only problem with the plywood was that it had quite a pronounced curve from being used to protect the corners of something (I can’t remember what!) and when I tried to flatten it for the scanner it cracked across the top and had to be mended 🙁 …

    Sparkly Blend

    …and lastly – a little bit of sparkly digital blending – you need to look at the larger version to really see the sparkles.

    eunice signature

    By on Tuesday September 10th, 2013 at 11:28 in Artistic Ramblings, Blending Images, CED, Digital Art, messy craft, recycling, Stencils - Comments Off on Painting Big!
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