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  • “One Man’s Trash…”

    You’ve probably heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. This latest mandala is made almost entirely from “one man’s trash”!

    Original "Trash" Mandala

    One of my workplaces have a large laser cutter which collects quantities of leftover bits from the work that people do on it. This mandala is created from some of those leftover bits, stuck to a circle cut from an old cardboard box with pva glue.

    Digitally Coloured "Trash" Mandala

    I couldn’t decide whether to leave it the original colour, or whether to paint it, so I tried adding some digital colour to help me make up my mind.

    Hand Painted "Trash" Mandala

    I decided to paint it and this is the result. Which do you like the best?

    eunice signature

    By on Wednesday January 14th, 2015 at 01:02 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Mandalas - Comments Off on “One Man’s Trash…”