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  • Anticipation

    I’m really grateful for the inspiration I have had from Effy Wild and Sarah Trumpp this year. This page was inspired by both of them. The idea for the spread came from my response to Effy’s Book of Days prompt for the 29th April, and Sarah’s week 18, Journal 52 video inspired me to try drawing with my watercolour paints.


    Although it’s not perfect, I’m just loving the result and will definitely be using this technique again. Thank you both for your combined inspiration!

    At last my postcards for the iHannah DIY postcard swap are ready to send.

    Ten Postcards

    Here’s a quick sneak peak at them before they start winging their way across the ocean.

    This next image is a bit of digital wizardry.

    Noticing Inverted

    It started out as a photograph of some bare stems in the evening light. I desaturated the colour to make it black and white, then inverted the colours. I really like how it turned out.


    By on Thursday May 5th, 2016 at 23:41 in Art Journal, Artistic Ramblings, BOD 2016, CED, Digital Art, iHannah's DIY Postcard Swap, Journal 52, Photography - Comments Off on Anticipation

    Nearly May

    Nearly May – and the weather’s still no better. We’ve had a mixture of snow and hail storms this week! But it hasn’t stopped me making art.

    I’m really loving working in this A6 journal – it’s perfect for those days when the big journal is too intimidating!


    I created this spread using watercolour paints, tombow markers, a stencil and a gel medium resist.


    This spread started out as a collage which then got covered up with layers of paint, ink and paint markers. I love the richness of the colours.

    Laugh, Love, Live

    I started this next spread by covering the pages with washi tape, then used thin washes of acrylic paint to colour the page and create the ‘green girl’ on the right.

    I Believe

    My ‘I Believe’ spread was inspired by Effy’s Book of Days spreecast about wonder. I really love how it turned out.

    Blue Flower

    In this last spread I decided to play with some rediscovered hand made funky foam stamps that I made quite a few years ago. I had so much fun – I’m planning on making some more stamps to add to the collection!

    I’ve almost finished making the postcards for the iHannah DIY Postcard swap so keep watching for some pictures of those once they’re done.


    By on Saturday April 30th, 2016 at 22:43 in Art Journal, Artistic Ramblings, BOD 2016, CED, collage, iHannah's DIY Postcard Swap, Journal 52, Stencils - Comments Off on Nearly May

    Postcard Swap

    Life has been a little manic since my last post. But I couldn’t resist the call to the latest iHannah’s DIY Post Card Swap. If you love mail art and receiving beautiful works of art through the mail then you really should try it! Just click on the link above or the link button in my sidebar to join in the fun.

    Since I started the Art Psychotherapy course just over a month ago, I haven’t managed to do very much art work at home – I’ve been too busy trying to get to grips with all the new information my brain has been receiving. But we do create art at uni as part of the course, and I photograph it. I still take photos on the occasional days out we have. And I still can’t resist the urge to do a spot of digital blending to see what happens.

    Underwater Blend

    This is the result of a digitally altered piece of artwork blended with a photo of an piece of underwater paving. But I have ten hand made postcards to create for the swap – so I’d better get busy creating! Keep watching!

    By on Sunday October 20th, 2013 at 23:53 in Artistic Ramblings, Blending Images, CED, Digital Art, iHannah's DIY Postcard Swap, Mail Art, Photography - Comments Off on Postcard Swap