Sew a Zentangle!
The minute I saw the instruction to “Sew this page”, I just knew I had to try to sew a zentangle! Check out the Zentangle website for all the info … but simply put it’s a styalised doodle! I’ve been drawing Zentangles for quite a while now (check out my flickr set if you’d like to see what I’ve done) but this is the first time that I’ve tried to sew one! It took a lot longer than a hand drawn one as I had to prick out the design with a pin before I sewed it, but I like how it turned out!

Sew a Zentangle
But I wasn’t happy with it as a journal page! So I got out my water colour pencils and coloured the facing page, then gave it a water wash and squished the two pages together to transfer some of the colour. It looked much better, but I still wasn’t completely happy so I added some Webbing spray in gold ….. et voila!!

Sew a Zentangle - with added colour!
Most people would leave it there, but once I have an image scanned into my computer … I just can”t resist having a little play!! This is my favourite digital enhancement (I pressed the Invert Button!)

Sew a Zentangle - Coloured and Inverted
By eunice on
Thursday August 13th, 2009 at 22:19 in altered book, Artistic Ramblings, Wreck This Journal -
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