Journalling Every Day
In a new effort to inject some discipline into my art making, I’ve joined Lani Gerity’s Morning Pages Daily Art Practice eCourse and am attempting to start journalling every day! But as usual with these things, Im already behind with posting the images, so here goes for a catch up.
I started by creating this journal background in my recycled journal using acrylic paint, stencils, a coffee creamer seal, a net bag from the grocery shopping, some molding paste and a few homemade stamps
Next I used a photograph of some of the detail from the background (can you spot it?) and added some digital text to it.
After reading Soul Mate Dolls: Dollmaking as a Healing Art by Noreen Crone-Findlay, I just had to have a go at making one of her paper dolls. I created her using card, fabric scraps, washi tape and wool, added her to the journal background above with a digital face, then added some digital text to the found text.
This last image was created in my handmade journal using leftover acrylic paint, a stencil and some digital text. Watch out for more journalling tomorrow!!
Inspired by Meringues!
At a recent business seminar we were given small gift boxes containing tiny meringues from Head in the clouds. The meringues were delicious … but I have to admit … it was the boxes that appealed to me the most!! I had to find out how they were made and have a go at reconstructing them. This is the result 🙂

Boxes - Inspired by meringues!
I’ve been so busy working lately that I haven’t had much time to get messy so it was a real treat to play with these boxes!