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  • Struggling to Create!

    Since moving to our new home, I have really been struggling to be creative. It’s not been helped by the wasps who have invaded my new studio space making it difficult for me to get unpacked. Not that we haven’t been busy.

    Dyson Packaging

    We treated ourselves to a brand new Dyson. I really love the quality in these machines, but today I discovered a whole new meaning to precision engineering – every single piece of cardboard used in packing the machine was a work of art! They were scored and folded just like pieces of origami to exactly fit round each part of the machine. Absolutely amazing! I sat and patiently deconstructed each one because I was so fascinated by their construction!

    Playing with Liquid Acrylic

    On a more artistic note, I also treated myself to some Pearlescent Fluid Acrylics. I tried them out in my notebook…

    Liquid Acrylic Blend

    … then just had to play digital blending with the photos I took! Hopefully I’ll be getting really messy very soon now!!

    eunice signature

    By on Friday August 23rd, 2013 at 01:30 in Artistic Ramblings, Blogalong with Effy, CED, Digital Art - Comments Off on Struggling to Create!
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