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  • Recycled Journal

    Recycled Journal - 21 Secrets 2013, Rae Missigman's Class

    Ever since I saw Rae Missigman’s ‘Go Green’ class on 21 Secrets 2013 I have been longing to have a go at making a recycled journal following her instructions. I have been an avid recycler for many years and have made use of many books in art projects, but I have never before taken one apart and reconstructed it, so this was a new adventure for me! My first step was a trip to my local Charity Shop to find a suitable hard back book to turn into my journal. These are the before and after pics!.

    As usual I couldn’t quite bring myself to follow all the instructions…

    Recycled Journal - 21 Secrets 2013, Rae Missigman's Class

    … plus I didn’t have all the recommended ingredients, so I improvised a bit! The biggest change I made was to the binding. Because I had 7 signatures and my pages were quite heavy, I thought it better to use a different binding format to the one Rae taught. I used this brilliant tutorial from Sarah to learn how to do the binding the way I wanted.

    But I digress! Having chosen and purchased my book for the princely sum of £1, the first task was to very carefully take it apart, removing all the signatures. Next came the fun part of decorating the cover, followed by the much trickier part of reassembling it into a book again! I started the decorating process with lots of layers of gesso, clean and painty tissues, and coloured inks dripped and sprayed. Once I was happy with that I added some scraps of material which I machine stitched very carefully to the cover – I only broke one needle in the process! Then came the embellishments which I added using hot glue and a material wrap to keep it closed. I am always envious of my American peers who seem to be able to purchase waxed bookbinding thread in assorted colours quite easily. I always end up waxing my own thread – and getting melted wax all over my cooker! With most of the book pages safely restitched within the covers I moved to inside the book.

    Recycled Journal - 21 Secrets 2013, Rae Missigman's Class - Inside Pages

    I covered the inside of the covers back and front with fabric which I stuck in using iron on fabric glue, then set to work creating a title page for the book. I started off with a layer of gesso, then added several layers of acrylic paint using a mixture of stencils and assorted stamping implements. I used letter stencils to create the titles and neocolour crayons to draw the flower.

    I’m really pleased with the way the book has turned out and can’t wait to work on some more pages! Thank you Rae for a really inspiring Class.

    eunice signature

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    July 24, 2013 at 10:25:17

    hi eunice!! i tracked you down….;)

    what a lovely colourful space you have here….i LOVE the name of your blog!

    excited to blogalong with you…


    July 24, 2013 at 10:30:53

    Stopping by to say hello from Effy’s Blog Challenge. Enjoying reading through your posts. I’m doing 21 Secrets as well. love seeing your interpretations of the classes. ~Hobby


    July 25, 2013 at 09:53:21

    Thanks for tracking me down, Mel, and leaving such lovely comments. Looking forward to blogging along with you too 🙂


    July 25, 2013 at 10:24:51

    Thank you for stopping by Hobby. Looking forward to blogging along with you in August 🙂