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  • Playing with Stencils!

    Yesterday, Christmas came early! I got these Texture Stencils from “artistcellar” in the post! So much fun!

    Playing with Stencils

    I started out by adding colour washes with Inktense pencils to some watercolour paper to create an under layer to the stencils. I used the Inktense pencils because once they’ve been activated they become permanent. When the colour wash layers were dry I got out the acrylic paint and started playing with the stencils! It was very messy – but the stencils are great!

    I have no idea at the moment what I’ll use these backgrounds for, they’ll probably get obscured by additional layers of something else, but for now I’m just enjoying them as they are!

    eunice signature

    By on Friday December 14th, 2012 at 09:00 in Artistic Ramblings, messy craft, Stencils - Comments Off on Playing with Stencils!
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