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  • Doodling…

    I’ve been creating fine pen doodles, sometimes known as zentangles, for years now and have sketchbooks full of them. When I started creating these, the originals were always black and white and if I added colour I did it digitally after I’d scanned the originals. I was very precious with those originals – too frightened to experiment in case I ruined them. But just recently I’ve started adding them into some of my mixed media work…

    Eye Monster

    …and I’m quite pleased with how they’re turning out.

    This one was created using a collage of book pages, followed by a watercolour wash and clear gesso glaze. The doodling came next. I don’t plan this, its totally spontaneous and I’m always surprised by the end result! Lastly I added some colour to the doodling using pitt pens and a bit of shading with a water soluble graphite stick.


    By on Sunday September 3rd, 2017 at 22:57 in Art Journal, Artistic Ramblings, Blogging Along With Effy, collage, Doodling, Mixed Media, Zentangles - Comments Off on Doodling…

    Quirky Bird Bug!

    Yes, I have definitely got the Quirky Bird Bug – I can’t seem to stop drawing them!

    Solo Bird

    This time I decided to try painting one on material. I primed the material using clear gesso then painted the bird using a mixture of acrylic paint and neocolour crayons exactly the same way I did on the paper. I’m really pleased with how it turned out – I love the way the pattern on the material shows through in places under the paint.

    Drawing birds has kept me from finishing my latest zentangle canvas, but today I finally finished it – number five in the series!

    Butterfly Zentangle

    I decided to try drawing with some Pitt artist pens as the unipin pen nibs were wearing out so quickly! The Pitt pens are lovely and very waterproof, but I think it must be drawing on the canvas – they’re wearing down too! As before, I used the luscious Twinkling H2O’s to add colour to the image.

    Maybe some mixed media paint splashing will cure me of the Quirky Bird Bug – keep watching this space!

    eunice signature

    By on Sunday April 7th, 2013 at 15:24 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Quirky Birds, Zentangles - Comments Off on Quirky Bird Bug!

    Zentangle Star

    Today I finally got around to finishing my latest zentangle canvas! I drew it at the beginning of the month but didn’t get round to colouring it till today.

    Star Zentangle

    This was the original, drawn on a canvas board using a unipin fine line pen…

    Star Zentangle - coloured

    … and this is the final version, coloured using Twinkling H2O’s.

    eunice signature

    By on Monday March 25th, 2013 at 00:34 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Zentangles - Comments Off on Zentangle Star

    Zentangling again!

    I’ve been zentangling again! Only this time I forgot to scan before I started painting.

    Ankh Zentangle - Coloured

    I chose an Ankh as my central image – said to represent eternal life, dating back to Egyptian times. As with the others, I drew it using a unipin fine line pen and coloured it using Twinkling H2O’s. I added a small gem stone to the centre which made it impossible to scan! No matter how hard I try to capture it, the image is a pale shadow of the original!

    eunice signature

    By on Saturday March 2nd, 2013 at 20:30 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Zentangles - Comments Off on Zentangling again!

    More Zentangles!

    I’ve rather got hooked on these Zentangle doodles – looks like I’m going for a series!

    Sun Zentangle

    I chose to use the sun as my central image this time. Everything is drawn freehand, which is why the box is not quite square to the page on this one – just call it artistic license!

    Once again I used my Unipin Fine Line pen – I think I’m going to have to bulk buy these if I do many more of these zentangles!

    Sun Zentangle - Coloured

    I just wish the scan could show the wonderful shimmer that the Twinkling H2O’s add to the image!

    eunice signature

    By on Tuesday February 26th, 2013 at 11:51 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Zentangles - Comments Off on More Zentangles!

    Doodling and H2O’s!

    Still inspired by Jodi Ohl’s Just do it – Free Art Friday post, I decided to create another stained glass image, but to cover it in doodles in the style of my zentangle drawings. I used a 5″x7″ canvas board to draw it on.

    Heart Zentangle

    I doodled using a Unipin fine line pen which claims to be ‘water and fade proof’. “Hmmm, we’ll see about that!” … I thought. My record with so called waterproof pens is not very good!

    Heart Zentangle - Coloured!

    Wow – I’m impressed! Not a smudge or a smear anywhere! These pens are good! I used Twinkling H2O’s to add the colour, so the ink got verrry wet! Now that it’s finished, I think it looks kind of mandala-ish – the way it pulls your eyes in to focus on the heart. It wasn’t intentional, but I rather like it. What do you think?


    By on Sunday February 24th, 2013 at 17:47 in Artistic Ramblings, CED, Mandalas, Zentangles - 2 Replies - Leave a Reply

    Just Doodling…

    Continuing on from yesterday, I thought I’d stay with the small size and doodle some zentangles. The inspiration for this came from the latest issue of Craft Stamper Magazine.

    Just for You

    I created the border round the edges first, then stamped the mouse and text (very old freebies from a magazine), then filled the remaining space with doodles. I used my trusty Rotring Rapidograph pen for the doodling and a black Staz-on ink pad for the the stamping. I finished it off by colouring the mouse using neocolour crayons. I like the contrast the colour makes with the black and white of the doodles.

    eunice signature

    By on Sunday November 11th, 2012 at 12:00 in AEDM, Artistic Ramblings, Zentangles - Comments Off on Just Doodling…

    New Identity

    As part of re-creating my identity back here at Artimess, I decided to design myself some business cards. The front was no trouble, but I thought I’d like to put some of my artwork on the back.

    I started by creating this Artimess zentangle:

    Artimess Zentangle

    I used A6(105mm x 148mm) white art board and drew with my trusty Rotring Rapidograph .25 Pen.

    Then I found this photoshop tutorial from 10 Steps and thought it looked like fun – I love digital blending! So I gave it a go:

    Artimess Portrait

    I love the result – mainly because it makes me look a lot younger than the original! So now I have 2 backs for my business card. Which do you think I should use?

    By on Monday September 24th, 2012 at 17:07 in Artistic Ramblings, Blending Images, Digital Art, Zentangles - Comments Off on New Identity